Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Flickr user dittaeva, of Leikanger, Norway, traveled around Moldova with his brothers in the summer of 2006 and has photographed this mosaic on the way from the Chisinau airport to Colonita. The face on the wall appears to be that of poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.
More Moldova trip photos (254) by dittaeva are in this photoset.
There's also a separate collection from the war museum in Transnistria, a territory within Moldova that has been de facto independent since September 2, 1990, but whose "legal status continues to be an issue of contention." Here's dittaeva's introduction to the set:
These are photos from the war museum in Bender, Transnistria, Moldova. I tried to cover more or less the whole exhibition. We were let in on request and had a friendly but serious guide speaking in russian, which Daria very professionally translated into english. I also have a small book from the mueseum at home.
Remember that Transnistria is ruled by a quasi-communist dictatorial regime, which know how to do propaganda (just take a look at
(A Wikipedia article on the war between Moldova and Transnistria is here.)
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