Russia: "I'm a Russophobe"

Global Voices Online
Saturday, June 13, 2009

LJ user rusanalit, a popular Russian blogger known for his often provocative posts on the Russian economy, published this mock manifesto (RUS) on his blog on June 10, noting with irony that those who attempt a critical look at Russia's past and present are frequently labeled Russophobes by those who consider themselves patriots, while in fact the opposite may be said to be true in many cases:

And I'm a Russophobe, too.

That's because I write that Stalin genuinely wished to be useful to his country, but judging by the results of his mistakes, the fruits of his - and the country's - pre-war labor were lost. That is, if you are not praising Stalin but are trying to assess his work objectively - this makes you a Russophobe.

Because, even though I credit Putin for the huge role he played in preventing the emergence of 20 Chechnyas in Russia as a result of Chechnya's official secession from Russia, I consider Putin USELESS AFTER CHECHNYA IN ALL OTHER RESPECTS. That is, if you're not licking Putin's behind but are trying, again, to assess his work objectively - you're a Russophobe.

Because I don't like [Mikhail Kovalchuk] and [Gennady Timchenko] - the former basically robbed [Gazprom], while the latter just took away a few billion dollars from state companies [Sibneft] and [Rosneft] while he served as an intermediary in their oil trading. That is, if you straightforwardly call the billionaire-thieves close to the regime "thieves" - you're a Russophobe.

If I don't like the fact that my country's economy is a resource-based economy and the government doesn't really want to change anything, is content with everything - then I'm a Russophobe.

If you think that the duty of the state is to save lives of Russian kids [...], and not to diminish stock market losses of foreign investors - then you're a Russophobe.

Okay, I agree. If this is how things are, then I'm a Russophobe. Because in this case, Russophobe is dignified title.

And who are you then?

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